
Annibale Fagnola 1926 "ex-Kaufman"

H. Fagnola (1866-1939) was a renowned luthier of Turin in the 20th century. He started and strove by making accurate copies of Turinese master craftsmen, including Guadagnini, Pressenda and Joseph Rocca, and finally established his own making style.

He moved in Turin in 1894, since when he had been showing his refined skills under instructions from Marengo Romano Rinaldi, his teacher.
In 1900s, he got a good reputation among celebrated performers and dealers in those days and had his name listed as one of the master craftsmen.
His continuous renown since then has lifted up his artwork to the top class in the world of numerous artisans of the modern Italy.

This piece of his work is a very precious one which holds the written record that the celebrated violinist, Louis Kaufman from USA (who played the solo violin in the soundtrack of the film of "Gone with the Wind") actually owned it.
Its original red varnish and accurate reproduction of Pressenda's form of 1830 have made this piece of art from Fagnola's golden period one of his masterpieces with deep powerful sound.

Place of making
Torino, Italy